Journaling Set

COST: approx. $5.00

here's what you'll need...
  • A jar - any kind of lidded jar will do - I keep the prettier glass jars from my old candles. The jar used in the sample had the name of the candle company on it, so i placed the quote over it to both hide the name and decorate the jar - plus I just loved the quote!
  • A composition book - or you can buy an official journal - you can get some really nice ones at the discount stores like Marshalls and Ross.
  • Scrapbook paper - The sample used 5 different prints. This is a great way to use up left over paper from previous projects - mix and match to fit.
  • Embellishments - Stamps, stickers, ribbon, buttons, metals, die cuts, photographs, just about anything you can think of will work.
  • Questions - scroll down to download a copy of the questions

here's what you'll do with it all...
How you choose to decorate your journal is completely up to you - so instead of the usual step-by-step instructions, here are some hints that may help you to give your journal a nicer, more finished look.
  • Cover both the outside and inside covers, front and back. You could apply plain cardstock to the inside covers if you prefer to keep it simple.
  • A good glue stick works well - don't be afraid to apply a good, thick layer of glue. Make sure it goes all the way to the edges, especially at the corners, to prevent pealing. Avoid leaving glue lumps.
  • Be sure to smooth out any bumps or air pockets as you go. Use a firm hand or ruler edge.
  • If you go with a liquid glue, be sure not to get things too wet - it's better to have a brayer to help roll out air pocket and get a nice smooth finish.
  • Apply glue only to the area you're getting ready to paper, as it dries pretty quickly.
  • Overlap your papers just a little when using different prints - again, be sure to bring your glue all the way out to the edges so that you get a seal along your seam.
  • Leave about a half inch excess over the edges when you measure your paper - this allows you some wiggle room as apply and align your paper.
  • This is my favorite trick ever - To trim the excess paper, run your fingers along the outside edges to crease, then use a heavier grit nail file, or a medium grit sandpaper to trim your overlap. Trust me on this one - it works wonders! Run the file or sandpaper firmly along the edges - it will "wear" the paper and give you an outline of your cover - then with a firm, but gentle motion, "file" off the excess trim. This may sound strange if you've never heard of it before, but it gives a nice edge, especially to the curve to your corners. Trust me!

Filling the jar:
Print these on regular copy paper.

Click here to download a set of journaling questions.
Cut, fold, and fill.

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